Conker’s Bad Fur Day - Gone…

This game was selling for $100, but it was worth it. The graphics are great, the dialogue was superb, the humor may not have been for everyone, but that's what made the game such a cult classic.

But the ending; good god, the ending.

The ending is a total tearjerker, seriously. It's strange when something so funny has a depressing end. Regardless of wether you think Pocket Tales is canonical, Conker was a child at some point, most likely innocent and happy. Now he's a upsetting alchoholic.

Illustration by Bob Perkins 2016
Conker the Squirrel created by Chris Seavor
Conker’s Bad Fur Day (C) 2001 Rare

A Soulstorm is coming...

I thought drawing a picture of Abe from Oddworld would be a good way to distract me until Oddworld: Soulstrorm would be released. It did, but I'm finished and I'm not distracted anymore...
Illustration by Bob Perkins 2020
Oddworld belongs to Oddworld Inhabitants


The Most Unintelligible Conversation Ever

Wonder what they're saying?

Uncle Scrooge McDuck

In May we've lost Alan Young, the voice actor for Scrooge McDuck in Mickey's Christmas Carol, DuckTales, and his last work, DuckTales Remastered, where he came back to voice the character one last time at the age of 93.

Illustration by Bob Perkins 2016

Scrooge McDuck was created by Carl Barks and is owned by Disney.

SCP-096 + Shy Gal = OTP

There's a free game out on Steam called SCP: Secret Laboratory. While playing a match with strangers, we talked about how developers are working on adding SCP-096, aka "The Shy Guy." As we talked about how his gameplay may work, I commented that whenever I hear shy guy, I immediately think of the enemies from Super Mario. Then I asked myself, "What if 096 was an actual Shy Guy from Mario?" I told the sever I was gonna draw it, and someone brought up Shy Gals, which are fan made versions of female shy guys. I said, "Imagine the OTP!" I want to draw more of this, mostly because it came from one small, stupid remark.

Illustration by Bob Perkins 2018

Based on characters from the SCP Foundation and Super Mario series

We're off to Shell City!

The first SpongeBob SquarePants movie turned 15 on November 19th, 2019! (At least in the US!)

It also means SpongeBob was meant to end 15 years ago.

Nemo Visits the Doctor

Haha, I'm so friggin' funny right? This was a fathers day gift for my dad and I after realizing I haven't updated in a month now I decided to share it.

Illustration by Bob Perkins 2016

Finding Nemo and all related characters are owned by Disney Pixar

Green Eggs and Ham

You should watch this show if you have Netflix. Seriously, I was surprised by how enjoyable it was.

Detective Pikachu

Pokemon Detective Pikachu was a great movie! Some parts might have dragged out or went too quickly but but overall it was a joy to watch. Now we wait for the sequel (yes, there's already a sequel in the works).

Now that we’re Men!

This movie had it's 12th birthday in the US on November 19th 2016, and it remains one of my all time favorite movies. The video game adaptation was also awesome.

Illustration by Bob Perkins 2016

Spongebob Squarepants and all related characters created by Stephen Hillenburg and owned by Nickelodeon

Zootopia : Judy’s Mistake


This was originally made for my sister’s birthday because she loves Zootopia.

Illustration by Bob Perkins 2016

Zootopia created by Disney
Watership down created by Richard Adams